Monday, January 25, 2010

A writer (and cat lover's) paradise...

I'm in Key West, Florida this week on a scouting mission for a possible event and I'm also going to be speaking Wednesday night, January 27th at 6:30 p.m. at the Monroe County Public Library.

Yesterday, after an authentic Cheeseburger in Paradise at Jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville...

...where I *did* find my lost shaker of salt...

...we took a stroll down Duval Street and cut over to Whitehead Street to the Ernest Hemingway house.

Now, this place isn't just the former residence of one of America's greatest writers, but it's also home to forty-three polydactyl kitty cats who call the grounds of the museum home.

As you can see here, Miss Marlene Dietrech apparently can't read the "Do Not Sit on Furniture" sign. LOL!!

What was soooooo amazing about this place wasn't just that Hemingway loved his six-toed cats that are the fur-fathers of the cats at the museum today, but this was his haven and writing place for several many of his masterpieces. In fact, in the house, they have first edition copies of A FAREWELL TO ARMS, FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLS, and TO HAVE AND HAVE NOT to name a few. Check it out...

As a writer, I was blown away by my surroundings and seeing Hemingway's writing studio with his pencils and typewriter. I can certainly understand how the man was inspired living there.

And, of course, in Hemingway's bedroom, on the very pillow he used to sleep on, now rests Archibald Leach (the orange kitty) and Miss Francis (a seven-toed girl). It's a hard life, but someone has to do it, right?

So...I'm wondering...if in 40-50 years...will my apartment be on a tour? Will my writing rooms and pictures of their pets be featured? Who knows...LOL!!

Marley = )

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