Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Naming Characters

I get emails a lot asking me where I come up with the names for my characters. Is there a specific formula or a particular way to do it? Absolutely not! LOL! Most of the time, I come up with my character names in the most peculiar ways. You want to make sure that your characters' names fit their role in the well as fitting the overall theme of the story.

Here are some tips for naming characters:

1. Choose something that mirror's your character's personality. If your character is a science geek (like Celia Nichols in GHOST HUNTRESS), give them a name that fits their interests. My first manuscript was about a naive twenty-something working her first job in the tech industry, traveling to tradeshows, and unfortunately giving away a company trade secret. Her name was Vanessa Virtue. It was perfect for her. Could you imagine Thor with any other name? If he was Irving, it just wouldn't work.

2. The character's name should be pronouncable and easy for the reader to understand. Think of how the name sounds if you say it out loud. Is there a harmony or a ring to it? Avoid names that no one knows how to say. I respect all of the urban fantasy out there these days, but some of the names are just...unrecognizable. Being creative with a name is great, but not if you reader has no clue how to say it in their head.

3. Make sure the character's name fits the time period. You wouldn't want to write a contemporary YA and name the heroine...Ethel. (My grandma was apologies if I offend anyone.) If you're writing steampunk or historical YA, make sure to use names from the time period. I don't think anyone back then would be named Brittney. LOL!

4. Use the names of people you know...friends, family, colleagues. When I first sold my SORORITY 101 series, all of the guys at my sales office wanted to be in the book. So I put them in as random fraternity guys, teachers, and fellow students. I carried this tradition on with my GHOST HUNTRESS books. The character of Rebecca is one of my best friends (see below.) She's not a goth chick at all, so she loves reading her "alter ego." Be careful with this technique as you don't want to make anyone look bad or make the character reflect something you can get sued over. Always get the person's permission to use their name. Funny enough, the name Kendall Moorehead, the heroine of the GHOST HUNTRESS series came from an offensive lineman that played for the University of Alabama when I was in school. I always loved the name and wanted to use it. So I did.


5. Obituaries are a great place to find unique and personality-filled names. Now, before you throw rotten tomatoes at me, a LOT of authors do this. It's a tribute to the person in that their name carries on and, you can read a lot of about who they were in their obituary, and pay tribute to their life.

6. There are numerous online sources you can use for naming characters. If you're writing about someone that was born in a particular year, why not visit the Social Security website that ranks the popular names by year. Or, you can use any "name your baby" website. There are also name generator websites you can use, as well. Use a surname generator for your family's history or ethnicity or country of origin. Be creative and search to find that perfect name you're searching for.

7. Avoid using names in your story that are similar to other characters names. Look at the letters the names are starting with. Are you using a lot of "C" names? (Charles, Cathy, Christina, Callie) Mix it up a little bit. This makes it easier for the reader to keep up, especially when there are a lot of characters.

What are some memorable character names that you've come across in your reading?

Marley = )

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Saturday, February 13, 2010

Let the Games Begin!

Wow...did you see the opening ceremony from Vancouver last night? It was breathtakingly amazing. Never have I ever seen a light show like that.

Yeah, there was a "gaffe" indoors lighting the flame that NBC made a big deal out of, but who cares? It was still gorgeous.

I loved all the LED display lights with the birds and bears...

The parade of athletes is so thrilling. Think of the tireless hours of practice all of these amazing people have spent to get to this place. My heart goes out to the team from Georgia for the loss of their teammate, Nodar Kumaritashvili, in the tragic luge accident. But it was awe-inspiriting to see them walk in.

And while I'm proud to be an American, I just enjoy watching the individual athletes strive for their goal and learning of their journey to the Olympic games. It's a wonderful time when people from around the world can join together in peace and sportsmanship.

Congratulations Canada (from an honorary Canadian!) on a magnificent opening. Here's to much success in the games!


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Home Sweet RV!

Sorry for the late post...been on the move all day. I can't tell you how thrilled I am to show you my new baby...


Check out the inside...

We took ownership yesterday and it's surreal...let me tell you. Can't wait to get writing here!

Here I am on the phone with my mom with my friend, Ingram the Bama bear. Oh...did I mention the colors of the RV are crimson and white? Totally by accident. LOL!

So, what do you think? Would you like to live out of an RV? It's certainly going to be an adventure!

Marley = )

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Monday, February 8, 2010

How do you take yours?

I have recently been initiated into the world of Waffle House. Someone PLEASE tell me how I got through college without indulging in the all night yumminess that IS the Waffle House?

It's the hashbrowns, I tell you. They're insanely delicious. I take my scattered, smothered, and covered...with my onions on the well done side. Or as the good New England'ah that I am would say, "Scattah'd, smoth'a'd, and covah'd." LOL!!


Do you love Waffle House? How do you take your hashbrowns?

Marley = )

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Sunday, February 7, 2010

Super Bowl Sunday's the Saints vs. Satan Manning and the Indianapolis Colts. I don't really have a dog in this fight, but I'll take the Saints, just because of how much the city of New Orleans has been through. The people deserve something like this.

Any why don't I like Satan Manning? Yes, he's a great athlete, but he's also a forced marketing device of the NFL for yeeeeeeeeeears. Also, he went to Tennessee and they're a rival of my Crimson Tide. Finally...I'm not a Colts fan because of how they stole the team in the middle of the night from the city of Baltimore.

Why don't I have an opinion, huh? LOL!!

I just hope it's an interesting game to watch.

And to get the party 'bout a plate of snow crab legs?

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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

School Visit, New Photo, and Help for Haiti

I have been a buzy bee, let me tell you what. I have spoken at several high schools and libraries and have been having an awesome time. I went back to the "homeland" of Pike County, Alabama, and spoke at six different schools.

I was in front of three hundred people at Goshen High School...where I dribbled water down the front of me...LOL...


I was mobbed at Goshen Elementary School where the kids wanted my autograph...


I also reunited with my high school cheerleader partner, Laura Ross Hixon, who is a teacher...


I went to my alma mater, Pike Liberal Arts School and saw my favorite English and writing teacher, Mrs. Hixon...


I even scored 100% on the Scholastic advanced reading test on GHOST HUNTRESS: THE AWAKENING...phew! Wouldn't have been able to live that down...



And I spoke to a full house at the Monroe County Public Library in Key West thanks to their awesome librarian, Nancy Howanitz...



Finally, I did a full day at Carroll High School in Ozark, Alabama, thanks to their assistant principal and my former baton teacher growing up, Juli Botts Parrish...



During all of this, my sweetie, who is also a professional photgrapher, took my new author picture. It's done in infrared. I love how cool my eyes look!


And, to round out my post today, I wanted to add the link to my designer shoe auction on eBay. The proceeds of the auction will go to The Salvation Army for their relief efforts for the people in Haiti. Even if you don't fit the shoe size, please pass the URL around to your friends.

Marley = )

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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Help Me Help Haiti

In an effort to help out the people of Haiti who have been devastated by such painful loss and tragedy caused by the recent earthquakes, I am auctioning off a pair of never worn before designer Stuart Weitzman shoes and all monies (minus shipping) will go to The Salvation Army on behalf of the people of Haiti.

Please come check out the auction and bid! If you're not the right shoe size, please pass around the word to your friends, bloggers, Twitters, and Facebookers to help raise some money for a VERY worth cause.

See how pretty they are...

Thanks so much for your support!
Marley = )

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