Monday, January 25, 2010

A writer (and cat lover's) paradise...

I'm in Key West, Florida this week on a scouting mission for a possible event and I'm also going to be speaking Wednesday night, January 27th at 6:30 p.m. at the Monroe County Public Library.

Yesterday, after an authentic Cheeseburger in Paradise at Jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville...

...where I *did* find my lost shaker of salt...

...we took a stroll down Duval Street and cut over to Whitehead Street to the Ernest Hemingway house.

Now, this place isn't just the former residence of one of America's greatest writers, but it's also home to forty-three polydactyl kitty cats who call the grounds of the museum home.

As you can see here, Miss Marlene Dietrech apparently can't read the "Do Not Sit on Furniture" sign. LOL!!

What was soooooo amazing about this place wasn't just that Hemingway loved his six-toed cats that are the fur-fathers of the cats at the museum today, but this was his haven and writing place for several many of his masterpieces. In fact, in the house, they have first edition copies of A FAREWELL TO ARMS, FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLS, and TO HAVE AND HAVE NOT to name a few. Check it out...

As a writer, I was blown away by my surroundings and seeing Hemingway's writing studio with his pencils and typewriter. I can certainly understand how the man was inspired living there.

And, of course, in Hemingway's bedroom, on the very pillow he used to sleep on, now rests Archibald Leach (the orange kitty) and Miss Francis (a seven-toed girl). It's a hard life, but someone has to do it, right?

So...I'm wondering...if in 40-50 years...will my apartment be on a tour? Will my writing rooms and pictures of their pets be featured? Who knows...LOL!!

Marley = )

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Monday, January 18, 2010

Winner of THE REASON advanced copy!

Congratulations to Stephanie/Taylor for winning an advanced reader's copy of GHOST HUNTRESS: THE REASON! I have your e-mail and will contact you very soon. Hope you enjoy the book!

Thanks to all of you who Tweeted, Facebooked, and entered!

Marley = )

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Thursday, January 14, 2010

Alabama graduate in Troy for book signing | The Enterprise Ledger

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Troy Messenger | Well-known author to hold book signing

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Ghost Huntress Spotted "in the wild!"

Check it out...GHOST HUNTRESS: THE GUIDANCE was found by my lovely friend and fellow Houghton Mifflin Harcourt author, Heather Davis, at Powell's Books in Portland, Oregon.


Sadly, I have yet to see THE OTHER SIDE: A TEEN'S GUIDE TO GHOST HUNTING AND THE PARANORMAL. If you've seen it, or any of my books "in the wild" (that's what we authors call it when a book is spotted at a store), please take a picture and send it to me at marley_gibson AT yahoo (dot) com.

Remember to read the previous thread for a chance to win an advanced copy of GHOST HUNTRESS: THE REASON.

Marley = )

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Saturday, January 9, 2010

Contest Time!

I love it when the management office where I live leaves a little white slip in my door telling me I have a package delivery. It's like Christmas every time I bound down the stairs to discover what's been brought to me.

Imagine my pure glee when I opened yesterday's package to find...advanced copies of the third book in my GHOST HUNTRESS series - THE REASON!

Ooooo...pretty...the book...not me! Can't believe I was photographed in my glasses, but what can I say? LOL! I'm excited! would be selfish of me to keep all of these advanced copies to myself. I think it would be. Books need to be loved, held, and read. Hmmm... What to do...what to do? Well, why don't I give away THREE copies. Yeah, that sounds good. Three brand new, spanking fresh, sparkling, new-book smell copies of THE REASON.

Here's how to enter:

***Post in the comment section with your name and email addy***

...and one of the following three options:

1. Tweet or Facebook about this contest and post the link in the comment section here.
2. Leave a review for either THE AWAKENING or THE GUIDANCE on and post it here, as well.
3. Blog about the GHOST HUNTRESS series and post a link here in the comment section.

Contest starts today and I'll announce the winner on Saturday, January 16th. I'll use a random number generator to pick the winners from the comment section.

Spread the word!

Thanks and hugs!
Marley = )

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Friday, January 8, 2010

Can I get a hearty ROLL TIDE?

Muchas congrats to my alma mater, The University of Alabama for a dominating win against the #2 Texas Longhorns in the BCS title game to take all four title trophies. It was a long, wonderful season, and I couldn't be any more proud of my university and the players.

Rollllllllllllll Tide!!!
Marley = )

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Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New Year!

2010 is here! Welcome a new year with lots of exciting adventures.

This year, I'm going to be on the road a lot (again) promoting my books, speaking, and doing signings. I would love to add your school or library to my tour schedule. Please let me know if you'd like for me to come speak to your group.

First two trips this year will be to Alabama and Florida. January 14th and 15th, I will be in Troy, Alabama - my old hometown - speaking at Pike County High School, Goshen High School, and Banks High School. I'll also have copies of the GHOST HUNTRESS books with me to sign and sell.

Next, on January 27th, I'll be speaking at the Monroe County Public Library in Key West, Florida. Hope you'll come out to see me.

Here's wishing everyone a very happy 2010!!!

Marley = )

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