Monday, November 30, 2009

Gone to the Beach

I hope everyone had an awesome Thanksgiving!! Can't believe it's already December. Where has this year gone?

I'll keep my post brief because I'm deep in the writing cave for GHOST HUNTRESS 4 - THE COUNSELING. I've just gotten back from a 3,000 mile road trip to my parents' house and now I'm repacking and flying out tomorrow morning, headed for a beach vacation to a very lovely undisclosed location for the next week. I'm looking forward to sun, fun, relaxation, (and writing), and going on my first "real" SCUBA dive.

I'll leave you with this image...

Picture 049

What's your favorite beach?

Marley = )

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Monday, November 23, 2009

My first school visit!

I'm on my way to the parentals for Thanksgiving, but I thought I'd post about the wonderful school visit I had recently:

Finally, I had the opportunity to speak to two awesome groups at Boston College High School, thanks to their amazing librarian, Tia Esposito. Here I am with her and some of the students. Thanks for a great time!

(Photo credit to Rick Subrizio, Communications Director at BC High)

“Marley, thank you so much for coming to Boston College High School. What an amazing experience for my students! The middle school students were fascinated by the reading you gave from a cemetery scene in your book. I loved how you had them laughing at some points and sitting on the edge of their seats at others. The high school students from our AP Composition classes who are interested in pursuing careers in writing really appreciated the honest and open question and answer session you had with them about the business of writing. Teachers are still talking about the author who came to the library and had the kids “so excited about books!” The buzz from your visit is still in the air! It was wonderful!” -- Tia Esposito, Library Director, Boston College High School

“Ms. Gibson’s visit was so cool!” -- Arrupe Middle School Student

“Ms. Gibson’s talk was interesting and informative about the writing process with a paranormal twist. I loved it!” -- BC High Student

If you would like for me to come speak at your library or your school, please let me know by contacting me at marley.h.gibson AT gmail DOT com.

Marley = )

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Sunday, November 22, 2009

Some great press for my books!

Wow...check out the great article in The Philadelphia Inquirer that features a plug for THE OTHER SIDE: A TEEN'S GUIDE TO GHOST HUNTING AND THE PARANORMAL.


Also, my CHRISTMAS MIRACLES book was featured in the Raleigh Christian Fiction Examiner, running my interview with my co-author Cecil Murphey.

And check out the pretty display showing CHRISTMAS MIRACLES in the Chicago area. Thanks to my friend, Simone Elkeles for buying the book and sending me this picture:

Christmas Miracles - Chicago

If you see any of my books out "in the wild," please email me a picture and I'll post it here - marley.h.gibson AT gmail DOT com.

Marley = )

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Saturday, November 21, 2009

College Game Day!

My alma mater made me proud today as the Bama boys in Crimson trounced Chattanooga by a score of 45-0! Still undefeated and ranked #2 in the BCS poll!

Heismann candidate, Mark Ingram (#22) had over 100 yards and three touchdowns today. Whooohoooo!!!

Next week it's our arch rivals, Auburn. Bleck! I'll be watching the game with my family and can't wait to let out some hearty Rollllllllllllllll Tide Rolls!!!!!

Do you love college football as much as I do?

Marley = )

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Friday, November 20, 2009

What's your pleasure?

I've been thinking lately about how much I want a massage. Sure, my boyfriend does an amazing job rubbing my feet and I'm ever so appreciative, but to lay on the table for 50-80 minutes to get a full body massage, is there anything better?

Come to think of it, getting a pedicure is almost as heavenly. The place around the corner has this amazing chair that both warms, vibrates, and massages as you're getting your feet tended to.

A manicure's pretty nice, as well. Although, there's not so much attention to the rest of you as you place your fingers in the soapy dish and have your cuticles pushed, snipped, and filed.

And have you seen this new technique where you put your feet in water and these little fish nibble off the dead skin of your feet? It's sounds a little...eww...but fascinating at the same time.

I even have a video of it! Check it out:

So, what's your pleasure? What's the ultimate relaxation and pampering for you?

Marley = )

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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Writers need sustenance to get through the day

For those of you who visit here, you know that I am a big foodie...and a big of a closet gourmet chef. The one thing I love is getting new recipes or a new twist on an old classic to make it even more fabulous. (And no, I'm not channeling Ina Garten, although I adore her and every meal she makes.)

Today, I woke up with a hankering for waffles. And what's better with waffles than some bacon. But see, it's much more than that. My friend, Louisa Edwards White, wrote a scene in her book CAN'T STAND THE HEAT, where her hero makes a special bacon and waffle breakfast for the heroine. He literally pours the batter onto the iron and then layers the bacon on top of the mix, then closes the lid for them to cook together.

Like any good paranormal investigator (and let's face it...this is NOT the normal way to cook bacon), I was skeptical of the results. But I tried it...

Here's what it looks like going into the waffle iron. Now, I'm sure you have a better one than this. I got this little cutie at Big Lots for a whopping $5.99!


I let it cook a little extra longer to make sure the bacon was all crisped up, but take a look at how amazing it turned out


So, it worked! Thanks to Louisa for turning me on to this method. I will definitely try it again in the future. May even write it in to one of the GHOST HUNTRESS books! (She says the idea comes from THE JOY OF COOKING.)

Marley = )

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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

My writing life in LOL cats!

I'm hard at work on my looming deadline for GHOST HUNTRESS: THE COUNSELING, book 4, so I thought I'd just post a little pictorial about my writing, as illustrated by the LOL cats. Besides, who doesn't like looking at precious little kittehs?

I thought these were quite appropriate considering my life as a ghost huntress myself, researching, and writing about entities and spirits.

funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

lolcats funny cat pictures

the seance circl workd

Now back to the manuscript! Feel free to post links to your favorite LOL cats!

Marley = )

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